You can start your meetings well and have them go sideways quickly.
You have your meetings start well and then they go off the rails in the middle, despite your best efforts, taken over by side conversations and muted chatter.
But when it comes to ending them, whether you’re attending or presenting in the meeting — that’s where you have the opportunity to bring everyone back to the primary goal of what the meeting was trying to achieve and what happens next.
You can leave frustrated, and disgruntled, that’s okay, but you always need to end strong.
As an Attendee
Often times we forget the power you have as an Attendee at a meeting.
You were invited, you have a voice and the worst thing you can do is end a meeting by turning off your camera and leaving the call.
They invited you for a reason, whether you said something or not, there was a reason you were meant to be there so here’s your chance to use it.
If the meeting is ending and you sense it’s going to be the same old “okay everyone see you next time” or “let me give you 5 minutes back of your day” — hold the presses and interject before that happens.
Some conversation starters when it comes to getting everyone involved in ending the…