Standups are about the Board, not the Conversation

Greg Thomas
3 min readMay 26, 2022

If you’re going to go through all the effort of having a Daily Standup, you better make it worth everyone’s time.

You will never find the perfect time in the day to hold a standup, someone will already have been up for a few hours and in the zone, someone else might have to deal with a family emergency, and someone else might not get the value of why this meeting needs to happen and you might even have someone double-booked choosing this meeting over their other one.

All this to say, if you’re going to hold a Standup, you need to make it worth people’s time and yours.

Respect for the Standup

For some, the Standup is the first meeting of the day, in which case, they want to engage in some free-flowing conversation to get the party started. That’s great, but remember, you have a job to do and you need to be respectful of everyone’s time. Believe it or not, everyone might not care about that kid's birthday party you had to attend on the weekend.

With Standups, it’s important to remember why you are there to begin with — to understand what happened yesterday, plan the day and unblock your team where necessary — that won’t happen in conversation, which is why you need a very clear, very easy to understand Board that anyone can bring it up at a…



Greg Thomas

Software Architect, Developer, Author and Leader helping organizations build scalable software delivery teams and implement cloud-based solutions