The Drift Between Code and Tickets

Greg Thomas
2 min readFeb 21, 2024


How often does this happen?

Ticket: Create a Confirmation Dialog that prompts the user to make a decision based on certain underlying conditions.

Code: Wait till you see the toggles on this confirmation dialog and how cool it will be. Come to think of it, why do we need a dialog, Let use our notification system and put some buttons up there that the user could easily click with no prompts at all.

Is everyone good with that?


Fast forward a few sprints to when QA is about ready to these this feature and starts building up their test cases.

Ticket: Create a Confirmation Dialog that prompts the user to make a decision based on certain underlying conditions.

This is the drift, where code and ticket have diverged in a spectacular display of innovation and growth but leaving behind the only source of truth that someone has to go on.

This isn’t about arguing who updates what or that there was a Slack conversation here that explained it all — blaming the drift on anyone, helps no one.



Greg Thomas

Software Architect, Developer, Author and Leader helping organizations build scalable software delivery teams and implement cloud-based solutions