Your Agile Process Should be Invisible

Greg Thomas
4 min readApr 20, 2023


At your latest release, when everyone is emoticons the team on Slack, Teams, and Workspace you are all congratulating everyone on a job well done, high-fiving each other on what it took to get there — the last bugs that were squashed, the last task closed off the board, the final bit of documentation to go out, ending with that last press release.

It’s time to celebrate the people that made your delivery happen and get it across the finish line.

Except it wasn’t just about the people, there was a “thing” there, a current that was running underneath the release the entire time, weaving its way between and within everyone’s work.

Whispers of “Put some time on it”, “Don’t forget to write what you are doing”, “Tag QA in that latest bug”, “Tell them the board is overloaded”, “Don’t take on too much”, “It’s not a bug unless it’s logged” — were said to your team throughout the entire delivery.

These statements just didn’t come out of the ether, they came from the delivery process that your team and your organization put in place to build software and get it out the door.

And if you’re doing it right, your process should be invisible, behind the scenes, ingrained in everything that you do. Whether you have an existing process that’s become too convoluted or you’re putting in a new…



Greg Thomas

Software Architect, Developer, Author and Leader helping organizations build scalable software delivery teams and implement cloud-based solutions